How Avalon Medical Products Help
Reduce Surgical Surprises

Working together to eliminate surgical surprises.
Because exceptional pets need exceptional care.

Let’s Eliminate Surgical Surprises

Whether you’re new to doing surgery, or you already have hundreds of procedures behind you – you want to control the surgical narrative as much as possible. You understand exactly what’s on the line, and you want every surgery to go perfectly, every time.

Consider this your gateway to achieving unbeatable healing success.

Congratulations on taking the first step to educate yourself. The three products you’re about to be introduced to in this guide will help you virtually eliminate the surprises you may have come to expect with surgery, whether you’re dealing with relatively simple procedures or more intense, complicated ones. If you’re looking for:

  • Predictable, Controlled Healing
  • More Natural Outcomes
  • Less Apparent Scarring

Then you have definitely come to the right place.

Not every surgical solution is right for every problem, and this guide will assist you with choosing the most effective solution for your next case – and all the ones after that.

Still need help after this? We encourage you to reach out to us directly at 888-289-1890, or to email us at Our team will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to make your next surgery a surprise-free success.

We’re glad you’re here!

Eliminate surgical surpises

SIS+ Resorbable Tissue Patching

When Control Counts

This is porcine-derived small intestine submucosa, processed to maintain a three dimensional tissue repair matrix suitable for a wide variety of surgical needs, both internal and external. Our specialized manner of producing it provides you with a bio compatible support for wound healing and tissue remodeling that not only facilitates but also accelerates soft tissue growth.

PoliPhase Surgical Sealant

Control & Close

Tough anastomosis? Biliary leaks? Rupture that won’t quite seal? This flexible, fully resorbable gel provides a high-tensile strength seal that offers immediate bleed or leak control during surgery and beyond, with minimal inflammatory response. Various tips offer precision application and allow for use in a wide variety of applications.

PeriSeal Non-Resorbable Tissue

Strength & Biocompatibility

Complicated, intense surgeries require sophisticated solutions. This mesh alternative is a nonresorbable, stabilized collagen tissue patch material offers exceptional suture retention, superior handling properties, and an excellent host tissue response. If you are accustomed to using mesh for your patching needs, you’ll definitely want to consider giving this more cost-effective alternative a try.

Not sure which you need? Read on!

Choosing The Correct Solution

Surgical Sealant
SIS+ Tissue
High strengthxxx
High suture retentionxx
Internal usexxx
External usex
Indications for Use (Wounds)
Wound closure / degloving woundsx
Mass removalsx
Skin graft alternativex
Burns / traumax
Indications for Use (Surgical)
Internal surgical supportxx
Leak / bleed controlx
Abdominal herniasxx
Inguinal herniasxx
Lung puncturexx
Oro-nasal fistulasx
Gastrointestinal soft tissue repairxx
Intestinal anastomosisxxx
Bladder Rupturex
Biliary Leaksx
Ophthalmalogyx (use SIS+ ocular)
Soft palate repairsx
*This list is NOT intended to be exhaustive – not every wound type or potential surgical application is listed here. If you have questions about your particular case, we encourage you to reach out to us directly.