What is MitralSeal?
MitralSeal was designed as the first practical and curative treatment for dogs with severe mitral valve regurgitation, otherwise known as Canine Mitral Valve Disease. MitralSeal is an artificial heart valve designed for delivery using a minimally-invasive approach into a beating heart.
Is MitralSeal available today?
Not yet. MitralSeal is being developed through a collaborative effort between Colorado State University and Avalon Medical. The device is currently being tested in clinical cases at Colorado State University. After successful clinical trials are complete, the MitralSeal will become available at select institutions across the United States and eventually overseas. If you are interested in being part of our clinical trials, please contact us at the link below.
How do I find out more information?
Contact us directly by clicking here.
I was wondering if MitralSeal is still under development and what your expectations are?
Hey there! Yes, Mitral Seal IS still under development. With that said, it’s a bit from being finalized. In the meantime, we recommend you pursue the reparative V-Clamp procedure, also available at Colorado State University. We are NOT in control of who gets accepted for V-Clamp – the team there makes that assessment. However, they are performing that procedure now with some amazing results, and we highly recommend you reach out to them.
Thank you very much for the recommendation, it’s highly appreciated. Best of luck with the further development of Mitral Seal and I hope you’re successful soon.
Hi, I was just checking for an update with the study and if there is any timeframe on when MitralSeal will be available?
Michele, thanks for reaching out. I am currently unaware of when or where clinical trials will reopen for MitralSeal. However, we are supporting the V-Clamp procedure right now, which is also intended for CMVD patients. Please feel free to reach out for more information about that if you’d like to hear more!