People ask us all the time if RediHeal will work on a paw laceration.
Thanks, Dr. Bernard, for answering this important question. RediHeal Wound Care over a wound – even for a brief amount of time – will definitely promote amazing wound healing.

Delhomme Animal Clinic (Louisiana)
“Piper” – 6 year old Old English Bulldog
Piper presented for trauma to her rear left limb. She was non-weight bearing, and a large skin defect was visible which exposed distal tibia and lateral metatarsal, with extensive damage to soft tissue.
Treatment Plan:
Piper was initially treated with a hydrophilic bandage, but after 7 days, she was re-evaluated for a non-healing wound and it was decided RediHeal Wound Care would be applied. RediHeal was used as part of the daily bandaging procedure, being used to fill the areas where bone and cartilage were visible. Vast improvements were noticed after just a few days, and full healing occurred.

Wound photos courtesy of Delhomme Animal Clinic

DAY 13

DAY 25

Liz Dittman, Midway Veterinary Clinic (Neosho, MO)
“Brownie” – 2 year old Lab/Shepherd mix
Presented with gun shot wound of 24–72 hours
Treatment Plan:
Brownie was anesthetized and a 42 square inch wound was debrided. Wet-dry bandages were applied for 2 days, and then RediHeal was applied every three days for a total of three treatments.
Healing Response:
Says Dr. Dittman, “[The] rapid healing was impressive. The wound rapidly granulated in and the defect was completely filled in a matter of days. After day 14, there was no longer a reason to cover the wound nor continue RediHeal treatments. At no time were there any signs of infection.”

Wound photos courtesy of Midway Veterinary Clinic.

DAY 14

DAY 40

Dr. Ian Voelzel, Westlake Animal Hospital (Austin, TX)
“Barkley” – 12 year old Cocker Spaniel
Presented with severe skin loss secondary to a spider/animal bite
Treatment Plan:
Barkley was on vacation with his family when he was brought into the Westlake Animal Emergency Clinic with severe skin loss secondary to a spider bite. While there, he was seen by Dr Ian Voelzel. Dr. Voelzel used RediHeal Wound Care in combination with punch grafting to control Barkley’s wound and precipitate healing. A total of just four RediHeal treatments were used, largely during weeks two and three to assist the punch grafts to take successfully. After 40 days, Barkley was nearly fully healed and ready for his next adventure.

Wound photos courtesy of Westlake Animal Hospital.
DAY 14

DAY 21

DAY 40

“Piper” – 6 year old Old English Bulldog
Piper presented for trauma to her rear left limb. She was non-weight bearing, and a large skin defect was visible which exposed distal tibia and lateral metatarsal, with extensive damage to soft tissue.

“Brownie” – 2 year old Lab/Shepherd mix
Presented with gun shot wound of 24–72 hours

“Barkley” – 12 year old Cocker Spaniel
Presented with severe skin loss secondary to a spider/animal bite